Tag Archives: tips

\(^_^)/ Introducing; Nahfood.wordpress.com’s Kitchen Safety Tips

Introducing My Kitchen Safety Tips Post

🙂 I’m glad to inform you that I’ll be sharing some kitchen safety tips, this is to fulfil part of the promises I made when Launching the blog. All I need in return is; you sharing it with your friends, colleagues and family. Thanks!

Remember this for Safety:

“Safety first, never sacrifice your life or health for any kitchen activity or perishable food.” When I was learning carpentry at my school’s (Lagos State Polytechnic) entrepreneusship centre, Mr Felix (the instructor) always yelled at me, “Paul! Paul! Safety! first!,” by then I had already struck the hammer or used the saw on my fingers, ouch! 😀 , he taught us various methods of observing safety. Safety is very important in every field

Note on the First Kitchen Safety Tip :

The first kitchen safety tip comes up shortly, watch out, remember to share and comment on it, thanks! 🙂